Travel: Copenhagen, Denmark


The city of Copenhagen in Denmark holds an incredibly special place in my heart- I studied abroad there my junior year of college from late August 2010 through June 2011. My time there really helped shape who I am as a person; I feel like living there marked my transition into being an adult. It was the first time I had left my friends and family in a substantial way, and being all alone pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to grow and try new things and be uncomfortable. My time there wasn’t always easy, but it was incredibly fulfilling, and I feel like I owe so much to Copenhagen.


I’ve been wanting to go back ever since I left, so when David and I were planning our European trip it was a no-brainer to add Copenhagen to the itinerary! Having it be our last stop felt perfect to me- it was like coming home at the end of the trip, while obviously still feeling like we were on vacation and somewhere special.


I can’t even begin to think of all of the feelings that Copenhagen gives me, or all of the things that I love about it. Most of what I want to say is hard to express because they are just memories- me listening to a certain song as I rode the Metro home on a snowy winter day; playing “Kroner” with my roommates and dying of laughter all night long, the way it felt to be so at home in a city where you don’t speak the native language. I love the people of Denmark; some may say they are cold and superior, but once you actually speak to them everyone is incredibly kind and full of stories or jokes. Families leave their giant strollers outside of restaurants with their babies inside sleeping with a baby monitor while they dine inside. Copenhagen is very easy to navigate, as the city is quite small and has amazing public transportation. The architecture is a mix of old Scandinavian buildings and ultra modern minimalist design. The food is a bit herring-heavy for my liking, and the weather can be cold and brutal, but I am so in love with Copenhagen, so thankful I got to show my favorite city to my favorite man, and so excited to return in the future.
