Tips for Listing Your Home

Prior to Listing

  1. Take care of all basic maintenance items

    Before listing make sure everything is in good working order in your home. Switch out any burnt out lightbulbs, call the plumber for that leaky faucet, have your HVAC system serviced… anything that has been on your to-do list should be tackled prior to listing so that your home shows well.

  2. Give your home the deepest clean possible

    Every single surface should be cleaned, from baseboards to windows (inside and out), the front porch and backyard. Clean absolutely everything to make your home the cleanest it has ever been!

  3. Don’t use fake scents

    Scented plug ins, candles or room freshening sprays can give some buyers a headache. They also might lead buyers to think that there is a bad scent you are trying to cover up. Instead of using fake scents make sure to air out your home and make it very clean so that it smells fresh!

  4. Depersonalize your home

    When buyers tour your home they want to be able to imagine themselves living there. Remove family pictures, invitations from the fridge, name signs, and anything else that is overly personal to you and your family.

  5. Declutter

    Keep furniture and home decor to a minimum. Your space should feel open, inviting and free from clutter and knick knacks. Keep everything simple - imagine a staged home, a model home, or a high end hotel. This goes along with depersonalizing as well - home decor that is very specific to your tastes can turn buyers off. Instead consider decorating with flowers, houseplants, or other neutral decor. In order to declutter you may need to temporarily rent a storage space or pod.

  6. Pay attention to outdoor spaces

    The very first place the buyer will see is the front of your house - make sure it looks great! Clean the front door and your porch. Consider pressure washing your driveway or sidewalks. Beautiful, monochromatic flowers make a great statement. Make sure you have a clean, non-personalized front door mat. Fresh mulch looks and smells great to buyers! The backyard should look its best too - clean up as much as you can, do some landscaping (if applicable) and make sure all your plants are fresh and alive!

  7. Make sure major systems are accessible

    Buyers may want to check out the electrical panel or look at the furnace or AC. When buyers have their inspections they will need access to the attack or crawlspace. While you are decluttering, make sure not to store things so that these important areas are hidden!

Getting an Offer, Going Under Contract and Closing

  1. Consider the whole offer

    While price is obviously one of the most important components of an offer, it isn’t everything. Pay attention to the earnest money amount, down payment, type of financing, contingencies, seller credits and closing date too!

  2. Disclose, disclose disclose

    My Principal Broker likes to say “no seller has ever been sued for over disclosure”. If you know of any material facts about your home, make sure to disclose it to the potential buyers. Even if you think something might be obvious, disclose it! Be as forthcoming and honest as possible right off the bat to avoid litigation in the future.

  3. Once you move out make sure house is free of trash and all personal belongings

    The Oregon sales contract doesn’t require sellers to clean the house prior to closing, but all personal belongings must be removed. This includes trash, furniture, and anything else not written into the contract.

  4. Leave warranty information, product manuals, and any other useful information for the buyers

    Despite what I said above, it is a good idea to leave behind product manuals, warranty information and any other documentation you have about your home! If you know the paint colors or have extra paint, let your buyers know and leave the paint! Leaving invoices for recent work can be helpful as well. If there is anything tricky to figure out about your house (the jetted tub controls aren’t intuitive to use, for example) or any quirks, share that information with your buyer!